Sinus Rhythm Vs. Sinus Arrhythmia on Your Watch ECG

Sinus Rhythm Sinus Arrhythmia ECG
Qaly Heart
Qaly is built by Stanford engineers and cardiologists, including Dr. Marco Perez, a Stanford Associate Professor of Medicine, Stanford Cardiac Electrophysiologist, and Co-PI of the Apple Heart Study.

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Every normal beat of your heart starts with an electrical impulse generated in a part of your heart called the sinus node. By using your ECG, you can monitor two common sinus rhythms in real time: sinus rhythm and sinus arrhythmia. Being able to interpret your ECG for sinus arrhythmia vs sinus rhythm can be tricky, so it’s crucial to understand both the rhythms and their differences. Let’s dive in.

What’s Sinus Rhythm?

Sinus rhythm, or normal sinus rhythm, is considered the standard rhythm of a healthy heart. In this pattern, electrical signals originate from the sinoatrial (SA) node located in the right atrium, initiating each heartbeat and ensuring they occur at a steady, regular rate.

Sinus Rhythm read on a Kardia ECG through the Qaly app.
Sinus Rhythm read on a Kardia ECG through the Qaly app.

On an ECG, sinus rhythm is characterized by a distinct P wave (indicating atrial contraction) followed by the QRS complex (signifying ventricular contraction), then the T wave (representing ventricular relaxation). This cycle repeats at a rate of 60-100 times per minute in adults at rest. Here’s more on what sinus rhythm looks like on your watch ECG.

Sinus Rhythm read on an Apple Watch ECG through the Qaly app.
Sinus Rhythm read on an Apple Watch ECG through the Qaly app.

What’s Sinus Arrhythmia?

Sinus arrhythmia is a type of normal variation in heart rhythm that's often more pronounced in young, healthy people. It’s characterized by a heart rate that increases when you breathe in and decreases when you breathe out.

Sinus Arrhythmia read on a Kardia ECG through the Qaly app.
Sinus Arrhythmia read on a Kardia ECG through the Qaly app.

On an ECG, sinus arrhythmia appears as a regular variation in the “RR interval,” which is the time between each heartbeat, so long as it is accompanied by uniform and upright P waves. Here’s more on what sinus arrhythmia looks like on your watch ECG.

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Sinus Arrhythmia read on a Samsung Watch ECG through the Qaly app.
Sinus Arrhythmia read on a Samsung Watch ECG through the Qaly app.

What’s the Difference Between Sinus Rhythm and Sinus Arrhythmia?

When comparing sinus rhythm vs sinus arrhythmia, both originate from the sinus node, so they both show organized P waves on an ECG. They are both considered normal in healthy individuals, making the sinus rhythm vs arrhythmia debate more about understanding than concern.

The distinguishing factor lies in the R-R intervals. In a sinus rhythm, the intervals are regular and consistent, whereas in sinus arrhythmia, these intervals vary with your breathing pattern.

Sinus Arrhythmia read on a Fitbit ECG through the Qaly app.
Sinus Arrhythmia read on a Fitbit ECG through the Qaly app.

As far as health implications are concerned, both sinus rhythm and sinus arrhythmia represent a healthy, normally functioning heart. However, if you notice significant irregularities, palpitations, or associated symptoms like chest pain or shortness of breath, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional. Stay informed, stay proactive, and stay heart healthy!

Still Not Sure if It’s Sinus Rhythm or Sinus Arrhythmia on Your ECG?

Differentiating between sinus rhythm vs sinus arrhythmia on your ECG can be tricky. If you’re still looking for help interpreting your ECG further, check out the Qaly app on App Store or Play Store. On Qaly, human experts will interpret your ECGs within minutes, day or night. Try out the Qaly app today!

Wondering if it's Sinus Rhythm or Sinus Arrhythmia? On the Qaly app, human experts will interpret your ECGs for Sinus Rhythm and Sinus Arrhythmia within minutes. Get started today.

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Wondering if it's Sinus Rhythm or Sinus Arrhythmia? On the Qaly app, human experts will interpret your ECGs for Sinus Rhythm and Sinus Arrhythmia within minutes. Get started today.

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